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Culver City, CA

Website showcasing the past and present work of graphic designer/artist, Mike Williams.  

Motion Graphics - AA - We're Just Getting Started

American Airlines



The goal of the “We’re Just Getting Started” project was to create an upbeat motivational visual piece that would speak to the interests and accomplishments of American Airlines sales department members. The ask was to select a song with an energetic theme, incorporate metrics from recent sales reporting and use the existing company brand as a guide for the piece theme.

While running point as the lead designer, I used my knowledge of Adobe After Effects to create the clip’s animations in full and injected the graphic elements with Adobe Illustrator along with statistics gathered and curated by the department analysts. The song (muted here), “We’re Just Getting Started” is of my own selection and drives the overall motion of the clip, “flying through the clouds” to the next benchmark. As to say the sales team has come far - but they’re just getting started with more accolades soon to come.

The result is a lively clip that evoked positivity and excitement for taking on future challenges while reveling at what the team of sales people have already achieved.

The clip was showcased live in front of a sales audience of 100+ people as an opener for the division’s managing director during a Western Division Sales Conference. It left the viewers charged and ready for new challenges.